What a complex Job. Part 1.
Deep Dive into Tattooers Job!
Nowadays, You need to take care not just about Your profession, but also for many other things. Let us tell You how it works in the tattoo industry from our perspective. Maybe You will find something interesting that might be helpful in Your life too ?
First of all ( the most obvious one ). Being a tattoo artist.
Thanks to Dasha Tattoo Supplies in Amsterdam, everyone can buy all the equipment needed to start tattooing, everyone can also find people ( Let’s be honest – Guinea pigs ) to make first attempts at tattooing, but is this enough to be a tattoo artist? Certainly it is a great step to become one. Sadly, frequently it is the first step, but in fact it should be the third or even fourth step. Why? Before someone starts to even think about being a tattoo artist, he or she has to learn everything about the hygienic protocol, just like a nurse or a dentist. All the safety rules must be well known! How to prepare the skin, what are possible dangers, how to avoid them and much more. Literally everything about safety must be learned by heart. It is crucial, not only important! Without that knowledge, no one should ever touch a tattoo machine, not to mention trying to make a tattoo!
The second step is DRAWING.
We will make a separate blog post about this topic, and how it helped us in tattooing so let’s stop here, but a trained hand in sketching, painting, technical drawing is always useful.
The third step is – technical knowledge about tattoo equipment.
It might seem easy, but if You go deeper into that topic, You will find that there is not only one type of needle, ink, machine but many. What is the hardest part of it? Since it is an artistic profession, there is not a single FIT FOR EVERYBODY rule. If something works for one guy, it doesn’t necessarily have to be right for You. This step is basically a neverending story. Even if You find Your favorite stuff for a moment, You will get comfy with it, know how it works and know the results. Probably, You will have that idea of, what if… ? What if I try new ink? What if I try a new machine? If You want to make progress ( Yes, here it is the part that is valid in all of the aspects of life ), You can’t stop, You need to keep on walking, discovering, learning, thinking and growing. Then finally is time to make a tattoo, that’s why, in our opinion, making tattoos is ( more or less ) the 4th step.
Simon – Vadelma Team
“Tattoos that matter for People who care”
Deep Dive into Tattooers Job!
Nowadays, You need to take care not just about Your profession, but also for many other things. Let us tell You how it works in the tattoo industry from our perspective. Maybe You will find something interesting that might be helpful in Your life too ?
First of all ( the most obvious one ). Being a tattoo artist.
Thanks to Dasha Tattoo Supplies in Amsterdam, everyone can buy all the equipment needed to start tattooing, everyone can also find people ( Let’s be honest – Guinea pigs ) to make first attempts at tattooing, but is this enough to be a tattoo artist? Certainly it is a great step to become one. Sadly, frequently it is the first step, but in fact it should be the third or even fourth step. Why? Before someone starts to even think about being a tattoo artist, he or she has to learn everything about the hygienic protocol, just like a nurse or a dentist. All the safety rules must be well known! How to prepare the skin, what are possible dangers, how to avoid them and much more. Literally everything about safety must be learned by heart. It is crucial, not only important! Without that knowledge, no one should ever touch a tattoo machine, not to mention trying to make a tattoo!
The second step is DRAWING.
We will make a separate blog post about this topic, and how it helped us in tattooing so let’s stop here, but a trained hand in sketching, painting, technical drawing is always useful.
The third step is – technical knowledge about tattoo equipment.
It might seem easy, but if You go deeper into that topic, You will find that there is not only one type of needle, ink, machine but many. What is the hardest part of it? Since it is an artistic profession, there is not a single FIT FOR EVERYBODY rule. If something works for one guy, it doesn’t necessarily have to be right for You. This step is basically a neverending story. Even if You find Your favorite stuff for a moment, You will get comfy with it, know how it works and know the results. Probably, You will have that idea of, what if… ? What if I try new ink? What if I try a new machine? If You want to make progress ( Yes, here it is the part that is valid in all of the aspects of life ), You can’t stop, You need to keep on walking, discovering, learning, thinking and growing. Then finally is time to make a tattoo, that’s why, in our opinion, making tattoos is ( more or less ) the 4th step.
Simon – Vadelma Team
“Tattoos that matter for People who care”